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Left Behind 3 - World At War

Third in this series of films, World at War finds the post-Rapture Earth an even bleaker place than in the previous movies. As the Antichrist himself, Nicolae Carpathia, uses his newfound powers as head of the world government to bring war and plague on every nation, the American president teams with a Christian resistance fighter to try to stop him. Meanwhile, series hero Buck Williams discovers that Carpathia's biological front in a coming apocalypse is particularly devious: Freshly published Bibles are carrying a deadly disease ravaging thousands, and may very likely claim Buck's new bride.

Buck's father-in-law, pilot Rayford Steele, has problems of his own facing the not-inconsiderable temptations of former flight attendant Hattie Daniels, now one of Carpathia's many lovers. Left Behind: World at War is particularly crisp and effective drama, even when the action stops, as it often does, for many of the principals to pray for guidance. Charles Martin Smith, not seen often enough these days, has a brief but powerful part as the U.S. vice-president.

The storyline of this movie follows the exact same storyline chain of events of Revelation as are spread by all of modern church-a-tainment, all false religious leaders who claim to be Christian but are not, all misleading mega churches, and is constantly being reinforced by Hollywood (which hates Christ) and the big book publishing companies. With a crowd of backers like that - this storyline smells a bit fishy. Careful reading of the Bible reveals to the reader that none of this is Scriptural or accurate in any way, nor has it ever been believed in all of Christian history. Proving that we can never rely on outside sources for our Gospel message, but to instead carefully read Scriptures regularly for ourselves, to ensure we are never led astray. As such, this movie is purely fiction, and not at all biblical.

This movie promotes "rapture theory". Rapture theory has never existed in the history of Christianity, until the advent of the appalling Scofield Study Bible, which was then heavily promoted in seminaries. Rapture theory is only endorsed by false teachers and false churches. All of these same most apostate churches and preachers also all promote the same false teachings of pre-millenialism. Pre-millenialism has also never existed in the history of true Christianity.

Nowhere in Scripture is there any "The Anti-Christ" ever mentioned. Instead, Scripture revealed to the earliest followers that a "Man Of Sin" would rise to persecute the early church. That man of sin - was NERO - who fulfilled prophesy perfectly. 2 Thessalonians 2:3

Almost every event and prophesy being promoted by misleading pre-millenialists occurred at the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD by the Roman army, exactly as Jesus told his followers it would, and in exactly the time frame he told them... this generation shall not pass away till all these things be fulfilled - Matthew 24:34.

Where we're truly at in Bible Prophesy is Revelation 20:7-8.

7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

- or better translated as....

7 And when the thousands of years are expired, The Adversary shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Israelite and Non-Israelite, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

We are squarely within the Time of Deceit
Hence the deception surrounding Rapture Theory, Pre-Millenialism and other false teachings.
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